Saturday 8 January 2011

Saturday Mayhem


Outside my window...

It's 25 degrees but feels like 11 at 11:30pm. It's a clear night and things are peaceful. Snow is predicted for tomorrow and Monday.

I am thinking...

I didn't blog this morning since it was one of those "hit the floor with both feet running" kind of days and it wasn't conducive to sitting down and composing anything. But, just getting back into the habit of some sort of blog/journal daily is something I like and during the day I make mental notes that I should mention certain things. I'm going to keep a small notebook with me for jotting down these ideas.

I am thankful for...

My new glasses. I had a chip in the right lens and, since the glasses were still under the one-year warranty, I was getting a new lens. When I went to the ophthalmologist's office, not only did they replace the chipped lens, but they replaced both of them. They explained that the lab doesn't make just one when the lenses have the photogrey (or whatever they call it these days) treatment because they may not darken the same. So, I was getting two new lenses. And, better yet, they just decided to give me a new set of frames because why put brand-new lenses in old frames? Well, the frames were also less than a year old and only had a little wear in one place where the finish seemed to be rubbing off. But now I have an entirely new pair of glasses and that's awesome. And it's why I've been seeing this doctor for over 20 years.

I am wearing...

It's jammie time, so I'm back in mine, trying to stay warm as the temperature drops.

I am creating...

Getting very close to finished on the Doctor Who scarf. I'm up to 82 percent done! Caitlin texted me today about making her another slouch hat if she buys some yarn. That will be the third one for her this winter. I'm glad she likes them and would love to see her get me some orders for a few.

I am going...

Well, at this time of night, nowhere. But earlier today was another story entirely. When I tried to turn on the desktop computer, it refused to load correctly which began a long tale of calling Geek Squad, taking my computer to them, watching it load perfectly when it got there, *headdesk*, coming home and having it do the same damn thing again, calling them, exploring the possibility that it was the monitor, going back to Best Buy to price monitors, discussing the problem with the guy on the sales floor who really didn't think that could be the problem based on what it had been doing, coming back home and trying to start said computer again, finally getting to Safe Mode and Eureka! somehow managing to get it to load correctly. Whew! I am afraid to turn it off when I go to bed but "tomorrow is another day."

I am reading...

Finished Harry Potter Deathly Hallows and will be starting World War Z tonight. (which reminds me of the incident at Borders in which someone insisted that they were looking for Henry "V" and not Henry "the Fifth".)

I am hoping...

Firstly, that the computer loads correctly in the morning and secondly, that the winter weather we will be getting doesn't include any ice because that usually means we lose power.

I am hearing...

The heater running. Which I hope it continues to do for the next few days as we watch the pretty white stuff fall from the sky. :-)

One of my favorite things...

Having bread, milk, coffee, the essentials that one must have in the fridge and pantry when awaiting snow in the South.

A few plans for the rest of the week:

If it doesn't snow until tomorrow evening, we'll be doing our regular Chili's mid-day meal and then probably relaxing as we wait for the first snowflakes to make their appearance.

From my picture journal...

Giuli in her footie pajamas. That's one way to keep warm if it snows!

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